Happy Birth Secrets is all about sharing inspirational positive birth stories and info to help you prepare for a positive birth.
Birth is…
(And so much more!)
But it can be a positive experience!
Hi there, I’m Minnie, founder of Happy Birth Secrets.
First of all, a huge congrats on growing a tiny human (if you're at that stage already)!
I had two Plan B positive births with my girls where I genuinely felt amazing afterwards - like Super Woman. I’m passionate about helping women feel informed and empowered so they have the best chance of a birth that makes them feel like this too, however they want to birth and no matter how their birth unfolds. While no one can ever guarantee you a positive birth, because birth is unpredictable, there are lots of things you can do to try and nudge things in the right direction.
As a former journalist, I’m a strong believer in the power of storytelling as a way of passing on ‘secrets’ (need-to-know info that can help you have the best possible chance of a positive birth). Happy Birth Secrets is my way of combining these two loves.
Over the years, I’ve shared my own birth stories and things that worked for me with dozens of women as part of their birth prep. So many times women said I should start a blog to share this info with other women to help them too, so here I am!
What is a positive birth?
A positive birth is whatever you define it as! There’s no one ‘right’ way to give birth. A positive birth isn’t about having a ‘perfect’ birth or where you birth (neither of my births turned out exactly how I’d planned them, including needing to be induced for one), but is about a birth that you feel good about afterwards. Research shows this is all about: feeling informed, empowered, supported and safe, and feeling like you had choices and control during your birth.
You can follow along with us @happybirthsecrets
I’d love to hear from you - you can email me or see my Contact page for more info.
Note: while I’ve had two amazing births and babies myself, I’m not a medical expert and (while I would love to) I can’t guarantee you’ll have a positive birth. The content on this website is meant for inspiration and informational purposes only and is not intended to replace medical advice. See my Legal stuff page for more info.