Kendelle’s “beautiful, fast” hospital water birth
The story of second-time mama Kendelle’s “beautiful, fast”, positive hospital water birth that she says “felt like a homebirth in the hospital”.
How would you describe your birth?
Relaxing and beautiful, as well as fast and intense.
Top things you used to deal with labour sensations
TENS machine
Birth combs
Kendelle’s birth story
This was my second positive birth and positive hospital experience. I was in the Midwifery Group Practice program with my local hospital and hired a beautiful doula, Kate, as well as having my husband for support. This birth was different from my first - I felt more in control, but it felt more intense as it was only 6 hours from first contraction to delivery.
What helped me achieved a positive birth was trust in my body, my mind and my support team. My entire pregnancy and birth I did not receive one vaginal exam and my birth team didn’t even ask to do one. Everyone was hands off - I went into labour spontaneously and worked with my body. I had no CTG (continuous monitoring) strapped to me, nobody touching me. It felt like a homebirth in the hospital.
After birth
I had no vaginal tears/stitches or grazes and left the hospital to come home and go to my own bed a few hours after delivering.
Although a super positive experience, it did take me a few days to process it as it was so quick and the last hour was so intense - my fetal ejection reflex was so strong and everything moved so quickly it became a bit of a blur. I was so grateful to have such a calm and supportive birthing team who provided so much reassurance with just a simple touch and believed in me so much - even when I started to doubt myself toward the end.
How did you prepare for a positive birth?
Body work (chiro, pelvic floor physio, stretch, yoga etc)
Hired a doula