Colleen’s positive hospital water birth story
Colleen shares the story of her “amazing whirlwind” hospital water birth, including how she prepared for birth, and managed labour sensations using hypnobirthing techniques and the support of her partner.
Where did you give birth? Hospital
How would your describe your birth overall in a few words? An amazing whirlwind experience.
Colleen’s birth story
I chose to birth in hospital, because it was my first and I felt safest doing it in this environment.
From first wave to birth, a total of 26 hours, of which I did 19 hours at home and 7 in the hospital.
How she managed labour sensations
To manage pain at home, I used positive affirmations and 4-8 breathing. I listened to hypnobirthing tracks, which helped me control my breathing. I was 5cm dilated when I got to hospital. I shared my birth plan with the midwife and she dimmed the lights, and made the room comfortable. I then got into the water bath. I listened to a rainforest soundtrack and in the birthing room there were stars on the ceiling which I used to count breathing through my waves. My partner massaged my shoulders when the waves got more intense and my mum helped me focus on counting.
Although I'd practiced breathing a lot, I struggled to keep counting through the really intense waves, but my partner helped me stay grounded. I found having something to count (stars on the ceiling) really helped.
I got to 8cm dilated in 4 hours and then got out the water to push my baby out. There were moments I felt I couldn't do it, but I focused on my positive affirmations and every push was a push closer to meeting my little girl.
I used vocalisation throughout my pushing. I did tear, a 2nd degree tear and a graze, due to the baby having her arm raised.
How she felt after birth
Although it was a long labour and I did tear, I felt immensely proud that I managed to do it. I felt like it was an incredible experience to go through and I am amazed at myself that my body grew and birthed this amazing little girl.
I want to tell the world how amazing it felt to birth my daughter and be present the whole time using hypnobirthing techniques. I remember the whole experience and I'm so glad I do. It makes me feel so strong and like I can do anything. It's also made postpartum feel more positive.